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Party Bus

Mobile Lounge Rental Packages

The Perfect Gift for any Cigar Lover

The SC Cigars Mobile Lounge is devoted to aficionados of fine tobacco, somewhere for connoisseurs to peacefully indulge their passion with a wide choice of prime cigar stocks some of the world's best cigars. Gently aged or hand-rolled, our selection offers the finest flavors for every connoisseur. The SC Cigars Mobile Lounge impresses with a friendly and private ambiance, a worthy place to devote oneself to the finer aspects of life.

Party Bus Rental - Birthday Party - Bachelor and Bachelorette Party - Weddings - Tailgating - Corporate Functions - Anniversary - Party Bus Smoking Event - south carolina Party Bus Rental

  • Bronze - For Smart Car only (See gallery for pictures)    

  • Gold - Holiday Hours:  $200 per hr  (4 hr min)

  • Out of State Hourly Rate: $200 per hr (6 hr min)

  • Cigars for purchase provided & Prepaid Cigars Packages Available

Gratuity Appreciated...

50% Deposit is required to book our services. Remaining balance is due 7 business days prior to the event.


8hr or 3 day Weekend Rate:  Call for details

If traveling over 100 miles there will be a fuel surcharge plus lodging accommodations. (Contact Us for Details)

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Cigar Lounge Party Bus

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